Compliance People is een label van Legal People, the first specialised executive search consultancy for legal professionals in the Netherlands; it offers recruitment for permanent positions for experienced compliance specialists as well as for temporary compliance.

That invitation for the theater, a suspicion of fraude of a partner in the chain, our participation in Africa. All of us encounter them some time:  situations in which it is all about business ethics, and legal regulations do not offer sufficient support. How do you deal with them? Does your organisation provide clear guidelines?

Ever been on thin ice before?

The drafting and implementing of a solid compliance policy, in line with business ethics of an organisation, demands a great deal of a compliance professional – from executing officer to the responsible member of the Board. The complexity of the position combined with the personality characteristics of a compliance professional ensure that the search for the most suitable candidate has to be tailor-made.

Ever since compliance became a separate discipline within the legal market, Legal People has successfully filled compliance positions. We have built extensive knowledge of the compliance world. That knowledge in combination with our structured approach ensures that we can successfully complete all searches in the compliance field.

Executive Search by Compliance People >